About Us
Our Story
Parklea ‘Branching Out’ (PBO) is a voluntary organisation, a Company Limited by Guarantee and registered in Scotland as a Charity – Number 027216.
Parklea Branching Out was established in 1997 to help to develop local individuals with support needs to fulfil their potential. Parklea use horticulture as a vehicle to provide a variety of different training, work experience, supported employment, recreational and social facilities for a variety of clients including adults and children with learning and/or physical disabilities, those with mental health problems, school leavers, young and long term unemployed, elderly groups and community groups. Parklea also provide training to SVQ level in horticulture and employability programmes.
In recognising the therapeutic value of a horticultural environment, Parklea have adopted a holistic client-centred approach towards education, training and employment, with the aim of achieving optimum independence, dignity and fulfilment, while respecting the individuality and rights of each person.
Goals and Outcomes
Here at Parklea Branching Out we use a person-centred approach, allowing clients to prioritise what is important to them, so that we can assist them in reaching their goals by encouraging progress and skills development.
We track clients progress through regular formal and informal assessments, encouraging clients to be fully involved in choosing how their time at Parklea is spent, and working with them when planning out their chosen goals.
Progress can take many forms. We divide this progress into 2 areas – “Soft” outcomes and “Hard” outcomes. Neither one is more important nor more valued than the other, but in achieving Hard Outcomes, many Soft Outcomes are almost certainly also gained on the way.
Soft outcomes are non-quantifiable. They are measures of personal achievement.
· improvements in health, well-being or motivation
· greater confidence and self-esteem
· enhanced social and communication skills.
· The acquisition of life skills and practical skills that could lead to independent living or travel.
Hard outcomes are quantifiable factors such as recognised qualifications and moving on to volunteering or paid employment.