Plant Sales
We also provide a wide range of plants, from bedding plants, hanging baskets and shrubs and some vegetable plants, which are all seasonal. Stock is subject to availability and the time of year.
We don’t offer specialist plants such as aquatics.
We are open for sales all year, Monday to Friday from 09.30am to 4.00pm.
Please feel free to call us ahead of time to see what plants are available on - 01475 744516
As a result of the horticultural services we provide, we also run a very well established garden centre, selling seasonal plants to the public.
We are just about ready with all our summer bedding and are already offering a wide range of plants including hanging baskets.
There will be great range of summer plants from Geraniums, Marigolds to Sweet Peas and Begonias.
Evergreens and Shrubs